
We put product in a spotlight.

We often find ourselves in situations where software development becomes more about delivering what was specified, rather than focusing on what provides the solution and addresses the actual problems faced by the client or their customers. At NETVOR, we do not allow ourselves or our clients to be swayed by this illusion. We maintain our focus on the product.

Let’s work together
Our statement

Challenging assumptions and asking critical questions leads to better, more effective solutions.

Understanding the customer's needs is paramount; execution alone isn't enough for success.

Flexibility and adaptability are essential; problems evolve, and solutions must keep pace.

Our mission

Delivering exactly what you're asked for is easy.

The real fun begins when you start asking questions like:

"Why?" and "What are you trying to achieve with this?"

Is there any alternative approach? The trouble often lies in the fact that the problem isn't always as straightforward as it seems, and there may be  multiple solutions to consider. It's crucial to validate it, leading to a deeper understanding and alternative perspectives that often result  in simpler and more cost-effective solutions.

We've witnessed many projects delivered on time, within budget, and meeting scope requirements, yet they still fall short.

So where does the problem lie?

We believe that while execution can be replicated, the ability to truly understand your customer's needs is not. Neglecting this aspect can lead to products that either solve non-existent problems or address issues in a different manner or context. On paper, these projects may seem successful, but in reality, they lack genuine success.

We'll always challenge every aspect of your product and its functionalities. It's not about being difficult; it's about helping you succeed. We refuse to engage in work that serves no purpose—it's simply not fulfilling. Like you, we strive for success and validation in our work. Our true customer isn't just you; it's the end-user who benefits from the software we deliver. This doesn't diminish our respect for you; rather, we aim to help you maximize the value you bring.

Flexible Problem-Solving Approach

While we appreciate specifications, there's a significant issue with them, especially as projects grow larger. Specifications offer clear guidelines on what and how to deliver, but they're not timeless. Problems evolve and change over time, sometimes finding solutions during development. That's why we focus on tackling the biggest and most pressing issues happening now, addressing them one by one while continually assessing whether solved problems persist or have transformed into new challenges.

Prioritizing Effective Solutions in Urgent Situations

You never truly solve a problem once and for all; you only improve the solution for a limited time. The key is articulating the problem correctly
and finding the most effective solution in the shortest possible time. It's not unlike saving lives—identify the issue, minimize the risk, and address
the most critical concerns first. Complex bloodwork and scans won't save a person in immediate danger; CPR might be the most effective approach.

Let's elevate your product together.