
We provide value through delivery.

While selling developer capacity has become common practice these days, we staunchly oppose it. Our primary reason is our responsibility to you, our customers. We firmly believe that business is about bringing value, service, and certainty to the table.

Let’s work together
Our statement

We prioritize delivering functional, valuable software over selling developer capacity.

Our rejection of body shop models ensures efficient workflow and effective problem-solving.

Clients can trust our skilled professionals to manage projects from start to finish, saving time and resources.

Our mission

At NETVOR, our aim isn't merely to fulfill contracted hours but to deliver functional, valuable software. That's why we've completely rejected the concept of a body shop; we don't believe it brings satisfactory results.

Instead, we prioritize delivery as a fundamental aspect of our work. We're committed to delivering software that functions as intended, thoroughly tested and aligned with the agreed specifications, goals, and budget.

This doesn't mean there won't be adjustments or changes, or that the budget must  emain fixed. Rather, we've shifted our focus to ensuring a functional end product. Whatever we undertake, our guiding principle remains delivering value. To achieve this, it's our responsibility to manage the team and address any challenges that arise. Clients should feel at ease, knowing they can trust skilled professionals to handle their project without constant guidance.This is precisely where team leasing and body shop models fall short.

Effectiveness of our team

One of the significant advantages of our team is our established processes and efficient workflow. We save you money by effectively managing and addressing your challenges. Furthermore, we understand our limitations; we know when to seek assistance, when to pause work, and when to raise concerns.

We're your advocates, dedicated to achieving success. Quality delivery is something that you truly appreciate only when you experience it.

Let us handle your project from start to finish.